Errors when uploading a patient list

How to correct errors when uploading your patient list.
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If you experience this alert when uploading your patient list, it means that there is one or more formatting errors in the patient list you uploaded.

Error types

There are 4 different error types that can happen when uploading a patient list:

Invalid date of birth

  • Wrong format: Where the format is not one of the  accepted formats (see below)
  • Incorrect birth year: Where the year of birth is either in the future (e.g. 2051) or earlier than 1900 (e.g. 1871).

Invalid NHS number

  • Incorrect format: Where an NHS number is not 10 numbers, or where it includes any special characters (e.g. -./&+)

Missing date of birth

  • Where the date of birth is missing from the cell.

Missing NHS number

  • Where the NHS number is missing from the cell.

A correctly formatted patient list

Format your patient list so it ONLY contains NHS numbers in column A and dates of birth in column B. There should not be a header in row 1.

A correct formatted patient list must ONLY contain:

Column A: NHS numbers containing 10 numbers

Column B: Dates of birth in following formats: 







If you need any support with errors when uploading a patient list, please contact