While a target is active, you can track the live status of each patient through the Status column. Read on to find out how to do this.
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When on a specific Target page, you can see a select a target progress option to see a list of patient under that target. The statuses can be any of the following:
Not started: a patient who has not begun the recall process on any round
Pending: the patient has been uploaded, and the background demographic and appointment checks are in progress before the patient will be invited through an invitation round
In progress: a patient in an invitation process for a round
Invited: the patient has been invited to book an appointment
Booked: the patient has booked an appointment
Did not book: a patient who has finished the invitation process without booking
Patient Alert: there has been an error in the process, see Patient Alerts for more information
This shows how many patients are on the list and what statuses they have
Patient Alerts are located on the patient alerts tab