There are 5 steps you need to follow:
Set up a slot type and enable Appt Health to find it through GP Connect.
1.1 Go to 'Appointment Book'
Click on EMIS bubble in the top left corner, them select 'Appointments' and ‘Appointment Book’
1.2 Select 'Appts Config' in the right corner
1.3 Select 'Slot Types' and then either edit an existing slot or click 'Add' to create a new one
1.4 Fill out details
Click 'Ok' to save these details and to complete step 1.
This is really important for making sure that NHS 111 do not book the appointments we are opening up for GP Connect booking.
If you have previously set up an organisation group for Appt Health then you can use the same group for all Appt Health slots you're setting as available for GP Connect booking.
2.1 Go to 'Organisation Configuration'
Click on EMIS bubble in the top left corner, then select 'Configuration' followed by 'Organisation Configuration'.
2.2 Click 'Organisation Groups' in the bottom left corner
2.3 Select 'Add' in the top left corner
2.4 Fill out details
Click 'Ok' to save these details and to complete step 2.
This step is important for ensuring that NHS 111 do not book the appointments we are opening up forGP Connect booking.
3.1 Go to 'Organisation Configuration'
Click on EMIS bubble in the top left corner, then select 'Configuration' followed by 'Organisation Configuration'.
3.2 Select 'Users' in the bottom left corner
3.3 Select 'Search' in the top left corner
3.4 Select the user you want to assign this session to and click 'Ok'
3.5 Select 'Role' on the left side menu
3.6 Make sure 'Job Category' is one of the options listed below:
3.7 Set 'Patient Facing Services Booking' to 'All Appointments'
Click 'Ok' to save these details and to complete step 3.
This is the final step, and is where we set the actual appointment slots available for GP Connect booking by Appt Health. Repeat this process for all session templates that you wish Appt Health to book into.
4.1 Go to 'Appointment Book'
4.2 Select 'Create Session'
4.3 You can choose between 2 options
4.4 Option 1: Creating a new session
4.4.1 Set up session
Otherwise, set it up as you prefer. You might now see that 'All slots GP Connect bookable' is greyed out. Do not worry about this, carry on with the tutorial.
4.4.2 Select 'Session Holders' and add the clinician that you want for the session
Remember that this session holder needs to have their specific GP Connect settings set up, as we did above in step 3, 'Set up the Clinician Role'.
4.4.3 Click 'Session Details'. Here you can now set all or some of your slots to 'GP Connect bookable'
4.4.4 Slot property settings
Click 'Apply and Close' and you will see those slots are now set as GP Connect Bookable.
4.4.5 Add up how many appointment slots you have set available for GP Connect Bookable in this session and note it down
This is because we need to apply a filter to ensure that NHS 111 and other organisations cannot book into these specific slots.
4.4.6 Click on 'Apply Filter' found under 'All slots GP Connect bookable'
4.4.7 Set up filter
4.4.8 Click 'Ok', 'Save template' then 'Ok' again to save your changes
You have now completed setting up a slot type and you can now skip to step 5.
4.5 Option 2: Editing an existing session
4.5.1 Click on 'Load from Template' at the bottom
4.5.2 Check that the session holder has the specific GP Connect settings set up as we did in step 3 'Set up the Clinician Role'
4.5.3 Click 'Session Details'. Here you can now set all or some of your slots to 'GP Connect bookable'
4.5.4 Set all: Select 'Set all'
Set a selection: Highlight the different slots on the right, right click on them and click 'Slot Properties'
4.5.5 Slot property settings
Click 'Apply and Close' and you will see those slots are now set as GP Connect bookable.
4.5.6 Add up how many appointment slots you have set available for GP Connect bookable in this session and note them down
This is because we need to apply a filter to ensure NHS 111 and other organisations cannot book into these specific slots.
4.5.7 Click on 'Apply Filter' found under 'All slots GP Connect bookable'
4.5.8 Set up filter
4.5.9 Click 'Ok', 'Save template' then 'Ok' to save changes
You can repeat step 4 for as many slot types as you would like Appt Health to use.
You have now completed setting up a slot type! This will mean that our service will have access to a range of up-to-date appointments that we can use to give your patients a choice of suitable slots.
If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact support